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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Sinister Sisters loves scary scarecrow masks.  For this mask, we simply repeated the mantra "anything goes!"

Styrofoam head
spray adhesive 
jute rope
jute twine
small paint brush
brown acrylic paint
black acrylic paint 
sewing needle (large eye)

Starting with a Styrofoam head that I bought at a local beauty supply store, I taped the Styrofoam head to my work table to make designing my burlap mask easier.

Next, generously spray  the  Styrofoam  head with  a  general  purpose glue. 

Lay your piece of burlap on the top of your Styrofoam head. Fold, pinch or smooth the burlap over the form.  You should be able to re-position your burlap if you need to.  At the very least, create a suggestion of a mouth. 

After the burlap is formed to the face of your form, the back of your head can just randomly be folded then tied at the neck with the jute rope.  

Now it's time to thread your jute twine.  I whip stitched and randomly sewed to create the mouth, eyes and nose.  I suggest scar tissue and the look of a eye sewn shut.  Sew down most of the burlap folds leaving a few alone.  For scarcely growing hair, tie a knot with the twine leaving several inches hanging. It curls on it's own and looks really creepy!

Maybe a button eye?

The last step is to make the mask look old and dirty.  Use black and brown acrylic paint to enhance shadows.  Dilute the paint if necessary.

Display your burlap mask on a pedestal or incorporate it into your DIY prop monster!

Check out our Pinterest page for more Halloween decorating ideas! 

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